
From new construction to remodel, residential or commercial, Chapman Electric has the expertise and experience to provide you with a professional and efficient electrical instalation. A Colorado State liscensed contractor I strive to make each project safe and one that exceed’s your expectations.


  • Remodel and New Construction

    Residential or commercial, Chapman Electric can provide a clean and professional installation.

  • Service Calls

    Have an electrical issue? Lights or receptacles not working? Chapman Electric can get you up and running in a timley manner with twenty plus years experience diagnosing and fixing electrical systems.

  • Lighting Retrofit and Design

    Whether you need a design for your new construction project or just want to update your current lighting, Chapman Electric offers a variety of options to suit your needs. Schedule an appoinment today.

  • Electrical Upgraes

    Service upgrades or just addtng a circuit. Need more power? Chapman Electric can assist you.